Product Update: New in Events this quarter

We've upgraded your Events experience

At mycause we strive to make our platform as user friendly as possible, so we’re enhancing your experience with the following updates:

Main Event Dashboard

We have completely revamped your Event Dashboard to give you a more granular view of your event information at a glance.

Check your progress and see how much has been raised through your event on one screen.

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Amount Raised Block

Take control of your Amount Raised display by including other event income, such as merchandise sales or registration fees.

We have added more options in the data settings in the Amount Raised Block, so you can display your relevant total.

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Move Donations

You can now move donations within an event, so if a donor chooses the wrong fundraiser, or forgets to allocate a team member when they make their donation, you are able to fix it.

Make sure that every donation is where it is meant to be so both your fundraisers and donors are happy.

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Fundraising Page Reporting

Looking at your event reports is now easier than ever, with fundraising pages hyperlinked in your downloaded spreadsheet, so you can refer back to pages with one click.

Event Donation Reporting

You have always been able to view all of your donation transaction information in your Partner Dashboard, but now you can also access reporting for event donations directly through the Event Dashboard.

Editing Team Member Names

As an event manager, you now have more control, with the ability to change the name of team participants added without an email address.

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Help link on Event Dashboard

Ask for help in seconds by clicking the ‘help’ tab at the bottom of your left hand dashboard menu. Just remember to quote your Event ID

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